Monday, 20 April 2009

Improving the Outcome for Children in Care

One of the themes of the SCNF Schools & Youth event is how smartcard technology can be used to improve the opportunities and to remove the stigma for children in care. The meeting on Thursday will cover a number of initiatives and proven approaches to make it easier to target financial support at those in greatest need. The case studies from Bolton and Sunderland cover two initiatives to help children in care and from poorer backgrounds to participate in more activities, while other examples will show how free school meal entitlement can be administered without identifying those benefiting. A number of the current initiatives recognise that the needs of Looked After Children extend well beyond their 16th birthday and provide benefits for this vulnerable group through into their early 20s.

The current debate about the care system for children highlights the variations across the country and need for additional targeted support to give these children the opportunities to participate in a wider range of activities, take advantage of services offered by local authorities and improve their personal outcome when they finally leave school and the care system.

There are a few last remaining places left for the SCNF event on 23rd April in Peterborough. We welcome your feedback on the use of entitlement cards at the meeting, via the Chair’s blog and email to the SCNF.

Kevin Farquharson & Steve Beecroft
Joint Chair SCNF

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