SCNF will be challenging the Pre-Paid industry at Pre-paid 2011 to bring down lifecycle costs for cards with a payment application present. In Local Authorities, we have seen significant reduction in card, issuing and processing costs over the last 10 years for transport and resident cards. What initiatives and proposition could bring down the cost of pre-paid, particularly when other applications are co-resident on the same card?
Sunday, 5 June 2011
Friday, 27 May 2011
DWP - Evidence review of smartcard schemes in local authorities
by Andrew Wood, Kate Downer and Annalise Toberman
This report provides the findings from an evidence review conducted by RS Consulting on behalf of the Department for Work and Pensions, examining smartcard schemes that local authorities have implemented. Its overall aim was to draw together good practice and learning points as they relate to scheme implementation. The review explores a range of issues, including the services included within smartcard schemes; citizen participation in schemes; use of data to improve services; dissemination of information to users and prospective users; communications activities; and how schemes have been evaluated.
A qualitative scoring mechanism was used to assess the potential of local authorities with smartcard schemes in place. Following this, seven case study local authorities were chosen and visited between September and December 2010. The study consisted of analysing existing, publicly-available information and related evidence, supplemented by discussions with the chosen local authorities.
The local authorities that participated were Bolton Council, Bracknell Forest Council, Caerphilly County Borough Council, Cumbria County Council, Derbyshire County Council, Dundee City Council/the National Entitlement Card and Merseyside Improvement and Efficiency Partnership.
Click here for the report:
Tuesday, 24 May 2011
CareBank project - proof of concept requirements - returns due by 24th June '11
SCNF has received the CareBank project document which sets out the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead's requirements for a Proof of Concept for introducing the scheme to local people within the area.
The enclosed link are frequently asked questions that people have asked during the earlier stage of the project which you may find helpful.
There is also a contact list of those that have already expressed an interest in developing the scheme. You may find this useful if you wish to form partnerships to develop your offer further.
The deadline for returns is 24th June. You may be asked to come forward for an interview or presentation week commencing 4th July. For details and copy of the document please email
Wednesday, 16 March 2011
Two job opportunities at Southampton Council
Southampton Council have been long standing supporters of the SCNF and it has been brought to our attention that there are two job opportunities within the council.
The posts are advertised at and also on the Local Transport Today Website. The Public Transport post is line managed by Simon Bell and The Legible Cities post by Paul Walker as part of the Transport & Travel Service Unit headed up by Frank Baxter. The closing date is 25th March and full details are at the website including role profiles etc.
Principal Transport Planner –
Public Transport
£30,011 – £38,961 Ref: 116731
Legible Cities and Partnerships Project Officer
£30,011 – £38,961 Ref: 116964
Informal enquiries for either role are welcomed by
Paul Walker, Team Leader, Transport Policy on 023 8083 2628.
Apply now at
Tel: 023 8083 2717 quoting the relevant reference
Minicom: 023 8083 2838
Closing date: 25th March 2011.
Sunday, 30 January 2011
Contactless Intelligence Awards
This is an excellent annual event and we have negotiated some free places for public sector delegates to attend. See Agenda for the 5th Contactless Intelligence Spring Conference and Contactless Monkey Awards (CMAs) 2011 at
SCNF is due to present a round up of public sector schemes and news.
Please contact us if you want more information or you wish to attend - email
Kevin Farquharson
Co-Chair SCNF
SCNF - Payment and Transport events
Last week at Transport Ticketing 2011, I represented the forum and stood in for Mick Davies (LASSeO) for a panel discussion about multiple applications and using smartcards for transport across Europe. We all hope Mick recovers and is back in circulation soon.
The event was very well attended with a key note address from Norman Baker to kick off proceedings. I will try to get some notes written up for SCNF.
On 31st, SCNF will be represented at an alternative currency unconference in London. The event has been called by the Cabinet Office and will see discussions about how to encourage and reward volunteering and other contributions to local communities. Look out for feedback after the event.
Kevin Farquharson
Co-Chair SCNF
Wednesday, 12 January 2011
Somers on Obesity and the NHS
If occurences of cancer or other diseases increased at the same rate there would be a national outcry! There is clearly a need for urgent action for adults and children in the UK.
This is one of the topics we are covering at the Rewards, Incentives and Loyalty event on 19th January in Westminster. Come and hear the latest update on the Barking and Dagenham youth card and discuss other initiatives to improve wellbeing, the environment and our communities.
We look forward to meeting members on 19th Jan
Kevin Farquharson
Co-Chair SCNF
Tuesday, 11 January 2011
Rewards, Incentives and Loyalty - 19th Jan Westminster
Recent Government announcements and discussions have highlighted the need to offer and manage incentives:
The White Paper, Healthy Lives, Healthy People includes an expectation: Guide choice through incentives. A ‘points mean prizes’ approach, for example the more a child walks to school, they earn points for healthy prizes like an activity day.
The Cabinet Office Behaviour Insight Team which is taking forward the Coalition Government’s objective to be a much smarter one, shunning the bureaucratic levers of the past and finding intelligent ways to encourage, support and enable people to make better choices for themselves. Clearly reward and incentive schemes can play a major part in enabling these outcomes by tracking and recognising contributions in the community. See
There are a few places left for SCNF members to join the dialogue and learn from the case studies we have brought together.
We look forward to seeing you next week.
Kevin Farquharson
Co-Chair SCNF
Wednesday, 5 January 2011
Best Wishes for 2011
Our first event is on 19th Jan in Westminster, when we will be presenting a number of case studies on reward, incentive and loyalty schemes. There are some excellent examples of health, environment and community challenges being tackled with smart cards and reward/incentive schemes. We look forward to hearing views from members at this meeting.
At the end of January, we have an excellent offer for member to attend Transport Ticketing 2011 and expect an ongoing dialogue about the more effective use of smartcards and future direction of ITSO and payment cards in transport.
We welcome your input on topics for future meetings - recent ideas include scheme business case, schools, resident card schemes and payment methods.
Best wishes for 2011
Kevin Farquharson
Co-Chair SCNF