Thursday, 20 May 2010

SCNF Survey on Mifare UID Issue

SCNF has just launched a members survey...

You might be aware of an emerging problem affecting issuers and acceptors of Mifare Classic 1K and 4K smart cards (and emulations of the same).The Smart Card Networking Forum, SCNF, are keen to get a snapshot of the initial reaction from public sector organisations and suppliers.

This will help us understand the state of readiness for change so we can advise and inform our communities on best practice and the pragmatic adoption of any necessary changes.

Please could you spare a few minutes of your time to complete our survey. To participate please click the link below or copy it into your web browser. This survey will be closed at midnight on 11th June 2010 and we value your early response.

Thank you for your time from all at the SCNF!

Kevin Farquharson
Co-Chair SCNF

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

SCNF Bulletin - Mifare Classic UID

The following bulletin has been sent to SCNF members:

We need to draw urgently to your attention an emerging problem affecting issuers and acceptors of Mifare Classic 1K and 4K smart cards (and emulations of the same).

NXP who licenses a number of card manufacturers and new smart media providers has stated that the available number of Unique IDs for cards will run out by mid 2011. The Unique ID is written to the card chip at time of manufacture. Various options have been identified to ensure continuity of supply, however SCNF members are advised to consider the implications with their suppliers and service providers and determine how best to mitigate the impact in their schemes.

The problem is likely to affect card issuing systems, control methods (eg hotlisting) and smart card applications which are reliant on reading the Unique ID. The problem is very likely to affect some widely adopted applications such as access control and cashless catering which are generally over-reliant on this manufacturer generated ID. Many applications will not be affected at all, however regression testing is a sound pre-caution.

The Core Group of the SCNF is discussing the implications and will work with LASSeO to help disseminate information to members, provide general guidance and possibly make recommendations. Members should check the SCNF website and look out for further updates. We would also like your help to encourage more organisations to join the forum in order to keep advised and share experience.

Kevin Farquharson & Steve Beecroft
Co-Chairs SCNF

Saturday, 1 May 2010

Birmingham Event Success

SCNF members enjoyed another successful event in Birmingham on 21st April and can look forward to continuing our exciting programme of events throughout 2010. The event was notable for a large proportion from Midlands authorities and organsations. We also elected a new Core Group to steer the Forum through the next year.

The Smart Card Networking Forum CRM Integration Event & Midlands Workshop was well attended and the feedback has been good. The presentations from this event will be available in the members’ area of shortly.

Some members attended the CI Spring Conference on 29th April in London. There were some excellent discussions around transport cards, european NFC trials and retail applications. Bracknell Forest and Hillingdon were both up for a Public Sector award and were just pipped by a Finnish school scheme using Nokia NFC phones.

Watch this space and the website for news about changes to Mifare Classic next year and SCNF at Pre-Paid 2010 on June 15th.

Kevin Farquharson
Co-Chair SCNF