Saturday, 14 November 2009

Successful Transport Workshop

The SCNF Transport event last week was a further success for the forum with a packed room of attendees from Local Authorities, London Councils and Central Government.

The workshop was arranged to explain the LASSeO standards for multi-application encoding on Desfire cards and discuss how it could be implemented. Mick Davies introduced LASSeO and the process of developing and maintaining standards. Owen McLaughlin explained the origins and scope the standards. Over 20 different applications were mentioned during the course of the workshop! Nicky Kaye gave the perspective of Bracknell Forest who have a multi-application concession card.

Gwyn Williams introduced the implementation guidelines which have been prepared and proposed cards should have at least basic encoding when issued. The implications of having multiple numbers on the card was discussed (ie transport and entitlement). Copies of the draft were circulated and feedback requested during and after the meeting. A final copy will be published on the website.

Steve Beecroft concluded the event by leading a discussion about the business case and scope for reducing/sharing scheme costs. Michael Murray from DWP announced an event for Local Authorities which they are planning for 3rd March 2010 – an important date for the diary.

Kevin Farquharson
Co-Chair SCNF