Thursday, 16 July 2009

Building a society for all ages including Active 60 Package

The following is taken from the Building Britain's Future website...

As a country we are living through an enormous demographic change. This has now reached a tipping point with pensioners outnumbering children for the first time. A quarter of all children born today are expected to live to reach 100 years old. This is a challenge, but also an opportunity. Building a Society for All Ages is the Government's strategy for how we as a society make the most of this change. It develops the Government's 2005 strategy, Opportunity Age [DWP website] which has now largely been delivered. It builds on a solid foundation of recent reforms to the pensions and health systems for older people.

The strategy is available online in PDF from the BBF website. This strategy already draws upon extensive debate and discussion over the last year. It's publication now marks the next stage in the process towards our goal as we start a national debate about how we can make it a reality. If you would like to be involved in this debate then visit our consultation page.

Posted by SCNF.

Kevin Farquharson

SCNF at RFID Europe - Libraries and ID Management

The Smart Card Networking Forum is running a public sector stream at the RFID Europe conference on 30th Sept in Cambridge. This year we will focus on libraries and personal identity.

SCNF members are invited to register and attend the event free of charge. For more information see the SCNF website (, RFID Europe ( and email The venue is on the edge of town and has sufficient parking for delegates.

Aside from the whole programme on RFID technology, there will be a presentation by Dudley Council on their use of RFID and the event is sponsored by Axiell (formerly known for the DS Galaxy library management system). This is an excellent event to find out about the use of RFID technology for loan items, smart memberships cards and cashless payment.

The public sector stream will also include a speaker from DWP about meeting the needs of an ageing society, an update on technology which makes it easier for partially sighted to use library computers and Lord Erroll talking about the requirements and risks of identity management in society.

I am confident you will find this a very interesting programme which will be complemented by the opportunity to network with other forum members and sponsors of the Forum.

Spaces are limited, so please let us know if you are interested in joining the event. You are also invited to register on the SCNF website so you can access all of the forum information and keep up to date with news and developments.

Kevin Farquharson
Smart Card Networking Forum

t: +44 (0) 1483 772241
m: +44 (0) 7785 361551

Please follow our blog at

We also Twitter at

Wednesday, 1 July 2009

SCNF Website - Case Studies & Searchable

We have now completed the final stage of the new website which includes an area for case studies and ability to search the whole site. You will also see more current news and links to events on the front page. Follow this blog for the latest news.

For the first time you can see links to all the case studies covered in past SCNF events at Case studies include transport, payment applications,

These case studies and the other outputs on the website are also searchable, so you can enter a theme, technology or application and find relevant information and examples. Why not give it a try and tell members what you find.

The programme for the SCNF stream at RFID Europe is taking shape with speakers from DWP, House of Lords and a Library Service. To register for the event email More details to follow.

Kevin Farquharson
Co-Chair SCNF